“Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!”
Our maths curriculum intent is to:
- Ensure children find enjoyment and confidence in using numbers.
- Give children a solid grounding of fluency in number facts and relationships which are the foundations of mathematics. When children have a fluent understanding of numbers, they feel more confident and competent when moving onto more complicated areas of Maths. They are also able to apply their knowledge with increasing ease when reasoning and solving problems.
The Richard Alibon way of teaching mathematics
We spend considerable time teaching and practicing mental arithmetic and ensuring children can use their mental maths skills quickly and fluently.
Our maths lessons start with a work around developing pupils’ speed and fluency in using numbers to add, subtract multiply and divide. Our stylised teaching and working session reinforce these skills over a longer period of time so learning and fluency is really embedded.
We use a Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract approach
The CPA approach helps children learn new ideas and build on their existing knowledge by introducing abstract concepts in a more familiar and tangible way. This approach is proven to be highly effective around the world.
Concrete is the “doing” stage, using concrete objects to model problems. For example, if a problem is about adding up baskets of fruit, the children might first handle actual fruit before progressing to handling counters or cubes which are used to represent the fruit.
Pictorial is the “seeing” stage, using representations of the objects to model problems; drawing or looking at pictures, circles, diagrams or models which represent the objects in the problem. This makes it easier for children to grasp concepts they traditionally find more difficult, such as fractions, as it helps them visualise the problem and make it more accessible.
Abstract is the “symbolic” stage, where children are able to use abstract symbols to model problems. Only once a child has demonstrated that they have a solid understanding of the “concrete” and “pictorial” representations of the problem, can the teacher introduce the more “abstract” concept, such as mathematical symbols. For example +, –, x, / to indicate addition, multiplication, or division.
Although we’ve presented CPA has three distinct stages, a skilled teacher will go back and forth between each representation to reinforce concepts.
Based on the national curriculum and the Maths for Mastery model by the White Rose Maths Hub, putting these key elements together ensures children gain an in depth understanding of Maths by teaching fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
The following calculation policy and scheme of work explains how children are taught to use numbers in our school.
Richard Alibon Calculation Policy For Maths
Richard Alibon Maths Scheme of Work (based on the White Rose Maths Hub)
How you can help your child at home
We know that parents make a significant difference to children’s progress. Learning times-table facts, reading the time, using kitchen scales to measure, handling money are all important maths skills which can be easily practised at home.
Parents can also support their child in developing their confidence in using written methods and strategies which have been taught at school. Please see the calculation policy posters and videos for in- depth guidance of the strategies that are being taught at Richard Alibon.
Some useful websites which will support maths learning at home:
- http://www.mathletics.co.uk
- BBC Bitesize
- http://www.compare4kids.co.uk/maths.php
- http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/maths/index.html
Maths Apps you might find useful for your phone or tablet
- Jungle time
- Tick tock app
- Telling The Time: Adrian Brodie Basics
- Kids Math
Learning and practising times – tables
To encourage children to learn their multiplication tables an award system has been designed. We see this as a great achievement and commend all the children who are working hard to achieve the next award.
Bronze award: 2, 5, 10 timetables in any order and related division facts.
Silver award: 3, 4, 6 timetables in any order and related division facts
Gold award: 7, 8, 9 timetable in any order and related division facts
Platinum award: all tables in any order up to 12 including multiplication facts for decimal numbers and multiples of ten.
Diamond award: all as above including squared and cubed up to 10, prime numbers, and multiples of ten.
Pin badges are given to represent each award. Once a child has reached Diamond they are given the choice of a mathematician’s tool which is either a scientific calculator or geometry set.
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum our school is following please ask to speak to the Maths Lead at the school. A link to the National Curriculum Programmes of Study which also contain useful information can be found here