Collective worship
Our assemblies play an important part in the life of the school. It is a time to meet together to share experiences and achievements and to promote our school ethos and values. Our assemblies, which in line with the law include an act of collective worship and are mainly Christian in character, also reflect the global outlook and multi-faith make up of our school population and are inclusive in nature to engage all our children.
On Monday all the children in Years 1 to 6 meet together at the start of the day to be prepared for the week ahead and to celebrate whole school achievements.
On Tuesday the children meet as key stages (Years 1 and 2 or Years 3 to 6) for an assembly which aims to develop their understanding of the wider world; world events, famous people, festivals and cultures around the world.
On Thursday the children meet together as groups of classes to sing and develop their musical knowledge.
On Friday different classes meet together for an awards assembly to celebrate achievements in school that week at an individual level.
Religious Education
The school follows the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham agreed syllabus ‘Learning for Life.’ The full syllabus can be downloaded here. Our good quality religious education supports our children in understanding their own, and others, beliefs, understandings and values and helps prepare them well for life in our global multi-faith society.
Religious education allows our children to talk and think about their own beliefs which are valued in classrooms where we respect diversity. We learn mostly about 5 religions Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism. We take a look at each religion to learn about how followers worship, where they worship, what is celebrated (including festivals), symbols and signs, dress and traditional stories. In addition, we look at Rights & Responsibilities, people who changed the world, how we can express faith through the arts and moral values.
If you would like to know more about the detail of work your child will cover during this school year do talk to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. If you would like to find out more about the RE curriculum our school is following or the Barking and Dagenham Agreed Syllabus please ask to speak to the RE Lead at the school.
Parental rights to withdraw a children from RE or collective worship
Parents and carers have a legal right to withdraw their child from all or part of R.E. teaching or collective worship. If you want to know more about our assemblies, RE curriculum or are considering this as an option, please contact your child’s class teacher or senior member of staff.