If the school has to shut a class, a year group or the whole school due to the Coronavirus pandemic or a national lockdown, the following policy tells you how the school will deliver home learning and what support you can expect from us as a school. We will always be here to help. Phone or email us if you have questions, need support or advice.
Home learning and homework
Home learning adds to what children learn at school and certainly helps them do better at school. It also sets good habits that will leave a child well prepared for secondary school.
Home learning routines begin in Reception with the expectation that children read each night and are, in turn, read to. In reception the child should read to a family member for about 10 minutes. In addition, there are simple tasks to complete at home from learning key words to topic related work.
Years 1 – 6
Homework is set on a Monday and must be returned to school on Friday.
From Year 1 each child is expected to do a piece of English and maths homework each week. There is also the expectation that all children read at home each evening and parents or carers sign the reading diary to say this has happened. By the time a child reaches Year 4 most children should be able to read in a sustained manner for about 20 minutes. Times table practice is also important with each child receiving reward badges in school for times tables learnt.
Each week a piece of creative curriculum home learning is set in the child’s creative curriculum home learning book.
By the time a child reaches Years 5 and 6, children are expected to be managing tasks independently and extending their learning through self-directed research.
Home learning helps you as parents and carers know more about what is going on in class and to gives you a good opportunity to support and encourage your child. Do congratulate your children for doing something well. Some home learning also needs you as parents and your family to join in. Parents might, for example, find themselves helping to make a model habitat for a creature, finding out about grandparents’ experience of school or measuring objects around the home.
Staff are here to help you as parents and carers. If you are not sure about homework do come and ask us. We are also aware that we teach children methods in maths that are not the same as you learnt in school. Our maths curriculum page and learning blog may help you with this. If not do come and see us.
Home learning should be a positive experience and any problems relating to home learning or good home learning habits should be discussed with the class teacher as soon as possible.
Online learning
The school has a number of website subscriptions where your child can practice skills online at home using their individual logon. Their class teacher can also see how they are getting on when they use our online learning websites.
Planet Sherston available for all children www.planetsherston.com
Mathletics for our older children www.mathletics.co.uk
Your child’s class teacher can provide you with the login and password details.