Richard Alibon Primary School Board of Governors

Our Governors are a group of people who work together, in the best interests of the children, parents and staff. The full Governing Body meet once a term. We have a finance committee who meet termly and a pay committee who meet annually or when required.

Our Governors play an essential role in raising school standards through their three core strategic functions of:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  • Holding the school to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial management of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The current and recently resigned members of the Board of Governors are:





Governors no longer in post: Governors no longer in post

The term of office of all Governors is three years.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body please write to our Chair, Mrs. Fatima Olujide via the school office.

If you need her to phone you please leave your telephone number at the school office and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our Board of Governors evaluate their effectiveness annually and the statement of their work and effectiveness can be found below.

Pecuniary Interests

Governors and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between the interests of the school and their business and personal interests and their memberships of any other governing bodies or academy trusts.

Our Governing Board demonstrates it is managing potential conflicts by maintaining a register of interests. In order to be SFVS (Schools Financial Value Standard) compliant, our register is maintained for governors, senior staff and staff involved in procurement. The purpose of declaring such interests is to enable the governing body to put controls in place to ensure there is no conflict between a governor or staff member’s private interest and the school’s interests.

This register sets out any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives. Senior Staff and staff involved in procurement also declare relationships with other members of staff or consultants to enable adequate safeguards to be put in place. The definition of a relative includes spouse, partner, parent, parents-in-law, son, daughter, step-son, stepdaughter, child of a partner, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece. Staff involved in procurement include:

1. Budget holders
2. Finance staff
3. Individuals who are on the bank mandate
4. Individuals who hold a purchasing card or other cards
5. Individuals who are involved in the procurement process


The attendance of Governors at our full Governing body meetings:
Full Governing Body Meeting Attendance

The attendance of Governors at our Finance Committee meetings:
Finance Committee Attendance