Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find the home learning for your child.
We will have a dinosaur day Zoom live teaching session this Wednesday at 9.30am and an end-of -year Yellow class celebration zoom meeting on Thursday at 9.30a, the last day of term. Do look out for the Zoom codes which will be sent to you via text message.
If you would like a paper copy of this pack please contact the school office.
If you need books or pencils or other stationary do let us know.
You can also call us if your child is not sure what to do with the workpack and we will call you back to support your child with his/ her home learning as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support over these last few days when Yellow class need to isolate. Key information. like your child’s annual report will be posted out to you.
We are aware this is not the best way for the class to end the school year. We do hope you all enjoy the holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in school in September.