Dear Parents and Carers,
It is the final week of a very unusual term – school closes for the summer holiday on Thursday 23rd July. We would like to thank you as parents and carers for all your help in ensuring your child has continued to learn at home this term. We know it has not been easy.
Please find the home learning for children in Year 4 this week- just click on the link below. As it is the last week of term we have a whole school theme that is the same for each child focusing on their achievements over this school year:
Achievements family home learning published
Summer holiday activities
We gave you some ideas to keep your child’s learning ticking over when we sent out your child’s school report. We will also publish a summer holiday activity page on this website whihc will give you links to government recommended learning websites for all subjects. Above all, we recomment that you keep encouraging your child to read over the summer, have a go at learning the spellings we sent home and use TTrockstars to keep practicing times tables.
While the teaching staff will not be checking the year group email addresses over the summer, the school office email will be regularly checked if you need to contact us.
Don’t forget we will be holding zoom meetings for you as parents towards the end of August if you have any questions about your child returning to school in September. Alternatively you can ask them privately via the office email address.
We really look forward to seeing you all again on the first day of term; Thursday 3rd September
Home Debate Club will continue each week througout the holidays on Wednesday at 10.30am
Well done to all those families who took part in the home debate club last week. This will now be running every Wednesday at 10:30
We’d like to invite you and your family to join in the live debate. Your child will be familiar with the format as it is organised by Smart School Council who support us in school.
All you need to do is go on to just before and click on Primary.
Parents/carers can also join the Facebook Group here if they’d like to find out more and get clues about this week’s question.
Mrs Goodier and your teachers would love for you all to take part in the home debate. Mrs Goodier will be taking part with her family and looks forward to seeing the results from our school.