Dear Parents/ Carers
I am writing to let you know that the school will be closed to children on Wednesday 1st February.
On this day the NUE teachers’ union is taking strike action. This strike is in support of the union’s opposition to the National Pay Award and is not a dispute between the union and the school.
Given the number of teachers who are expected to strike on this day there will not be enough teachers for the school to accept children or supervise them safely.
As this is a strike day, teachers will not be setting remote learning. However the children will have access to our home learning apps:
Bugs club – for reading – Reception – Year 6
Mathseed – Year 1 maths
Mathletics – for maths – Years 2-6
TT rockstars – time table learning – Years 2-6
Espresso – great activities for all subjects – Years 1-6
These will allow the children to continue learning at home. The logons for these apps can be found in the front cover of your child’s reading diary. If you need further help accessing these apps please contact the school office.
It would also be great if children could also spend some time reading for pleasure on this day.
I will inform you of the arrangements for your child for the future strike days closer to the date of each strike action day. As a reminder, further strike action by the NUE teachers’ Union is planned for
- 2nd March 2023,
- 15th March 2023
- 16th March 2023.
I apologise for the disruption this may cause.
Your sincerely,
Andrew Fullagar