Last Friday, all of our Key Stage 2 children (Year 3-6) made the trip over to May and Bakers Sports Club for the annual KS2 Sports Day. The weather was perfect, the children were excited and the staff were ready for what was going to be a day of fun, skill and of course, competition!
There were a variety of sporting events that all the children took part in ranging from vortex throwing to a sprint! The children really enjoyed these events and found them a great way to end a year in which they have worked so hard!
To finish off the day, the annual year group relays took place! The Year 3-6 relays were all very tight and hotly contested, with everyone showing great spirit and ability! We had our usual Staff vs Parent’s relay in which the Staff won a very tight race! After that, there was a speciall one off relay race between Mr. Howard, Mr. Scott and his Premier Sport helpers. Mr. Howard made short work of defeating Mr. Scott and his helpers and was greeted with a hero’s welcome from his class!
Well done to all involved in what was a great day! Pictures to follow!
P.E. Team.