Dear Parents and Carers,

Home Reading

Today we are starting to send home reading books once again. Careful consideration has been given to the measures that we can put into place to make this as safe as possible in the current times.

How this will work

· On a Monday, children will take home a reading book in a clear, plastic wallet.

· This book is to be returned on the Friday if completed.

· Children with longer texts may keep hold of them for an additional week/s as needed.

· On a Friday these books will be placed into a sealed boxed where they will be quarantined for 72 hours.

· Children will not need to bring a separate school bag with them as the clear, plastic wallet provided will provide protection for the book.


Reading = prizes.

Today we have launched our class challenge – 100 reads by Christmas.

Your child will have a bookmark inside their plastic wallet, this is to record how many times they read at home. Each Friday the class teacher will check who has been reading at home; each child that has read counts as one point towards the class 100-read total.


Yours sincerely,


Jennifer Holttum

Assistant Headteacher