Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find the home learning for this week.

Please do ensure your child joins us for the 2 live Zoom lessons each day if they can. If you cannot join us live we are puting the recording in Google Classroom so you can watch them at a time convenient for you. There will also be follow up work based on this pack in Google Classroom each day.

If you do need any pens, pencils, books or other stationary they are available from the school office.

Nursery Home learning 18.01.21

Reception home learning 18.1.2021

Year 1 Home learning 18.1.21

Year 2 Home learning 18.1.21

Year 3 Home learning 18.01.21

Year 4 Home learning 18.01.21

Year 5 home learning 18.01.21

Yr 6 Home Learning- 18.01.21