Welcome back Year 5

We hope you had an amazing summer and are ready to work hard and be successful. This year we have a new team which includes Miss Nizam, Mrs Auchoybur, Mrs Imran, Miss Mann and Mrs Cabak. As well as the teachers we have a fantastic support team who include Mrs Davey, Miss Stevens, Mrs Dairo.

This year we have already organised some fantastic trips and guests throughout the year to make sure all the students are excited, enthusiastic and want to learn in order to reach our goals.Impo

Important date:

Year 5 Curriculum Meeting – Wednesday 20th September  3.30pm in the lower school hall. 

What can you do to support your child?

All Year 5 students are expected to know their times tables. If your child is not confident then please support us and practise at home. Ask your class teacher for ideas to help them. Times tables are the most important part of the maths curriculum and without the knowledge and confidence  of knowing them, you child may struggle.

Please make sure you are aware of the spellings your son/daughter are sent home with each week. They will be tested on a regular basis.

In Year 5, we love to read and share what we had read. Please encourage our passion and encourage your child to read every night and ask them questions on what they have read. Reading and understanding what they have read will support their preparation for the SAT’s next year and install a love or reading which is a valuable life skill.

If your child is not in school they cannot learn. Year 5 is a very intensive year and even missing the first lesson may impact your child’s learning. Please make sure your child is in school everyday and on time 8.45.

PE Days are

Green and Lime: Friday afternoons

Mint and Emerald: Wednesday afternoons  

Please make sure all children have the correct PE kit. White shirt, blue shorts, trainers. No jewellery. Long hair must be tied back. On cold days tracksuits and jumpers can be worn outside.