On Tuesday 13th March, Year 5 are heading to London to spend the afternoon at the Globe theatre. We have been working incredibly hard on Macbeth and Shakespeare and this trip will allow us to see the theatre and take part in an amazing workshop.

Let’s get ready

Things to take:

A healthy packed lunch in a carrier bag – this is so that we can throw the bags away so students do not need to carry bags around all day.

No fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate  – even for the teachers !

A suitable coat – we will be spending a lot of time outside and the weather is very unpredictable at present. The Globe theatre has no roof so even inside we could still get wet.

Comfortable shoes  – school shoes

School Uniform -This is essential so we can distinguish our students from others.

Nothing else needs to be taken – no phones or cameras.

Students should be at school at the normal time – please don’t be late.

Check these out before we go.

If you have some time, check out these amazing websites about the Globe and it’s importance to British history and culture.
